In 1918 Damascus, after the downfall of the Ottoman Empire and before the French colonization of the country, six Damascene neighborhoods decide to choose one head to rule over them, only for clashes over the throne to crystalize and extend
Where to Watch Al Zaeem
1 Season
Season 1
Season 130 Episodes
Cast of Al Zaeem
Khaled Tajacast
Mona Wassefcast
Bassel Khayyatcast
Amal ArafaZahzahan
Abdel Moneim Amayricast
Adel Alicast
Ramez Al Aswadcast
Ramez Atallahcast
Hassan Dakkakcast
Thanaa Debsicast
Abdulhadi El Sabbaghcast
Sulafa Ewaishiqcast
Wael Abu Ghazalacast
Taj Haydarcast
Rana Jamoolcast
Fadia Khattabcast
Bassam Lotfycast
Adham Al Malacast
Saba Mubarakcast
Qays Sheikh Najibcast
Jamal Qabashcast
Alaa Qassemcast
Amarat Rizqcast
Tariq Al Sabbaghcast
Salim Sabricast
Safaa Sultancast
Wafik Al ZaeemDagher
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