A World of Worlds

Season 1

In a parallel universe on a magical planet named Ressear, an evil warlock named Sil has taken over. An heroic soldier from a fallen city must find the reincarnated bodies of the legendary Royal 4 to help her defeat Sil.
Where to Watch Season 1
4 Episodes
  • A World of Worlds - PILOT
    Episode 1A World of Worlds - PILOTTaking place in a parallel universe on a magical planet named Ressear. An evil warlock named Sil, has taken over and destroyed much of Ressear and plans on taking over Earth as well. A soldier named Sofia from a fallen city has taken the mission of finding the reincarnated bodies of the Royal 4. 3 Kings and a Queen that lived 2000 years and posses the art-forms that can help Sofia save her planet.
  • Rise
    Episode 2RiseCayla Korvesian begins her search for the king by terrorizing a small village while Sofia continues to examine whether Eric Wilson is really the reincarnated king Zahyian Crehin of the infamous Royal 4.
  • Method
    Episode 3MethodThe adventure continues with Orin trying to survive the arduous mission of finding the resistance while Sil aligns with his two concubines to find the reincarnated king.
  • Clash
    Episode 4ClashAs Eric Wilson scampers through the forest looking for a way out, he finds himself falling into the clutches of Cayla Korvesian and the Painted Guard. But it's not long till Sofia finds him and takes on Cayla and her crew. It turns into a set of battle between two titans and two old friends that are fighting to the death.

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