60 Minutes Australia

Season 2020

Australian version of the long-running news-magazine show.

Where to Watch Season 2020

50 Episodes

  • Fire fight, Windsors and Losers
    Fire fight, Windsors and LosersTara Brown finds out what Australia can do to prevent a repeat of this summer's deadly bushfires. Plus, the latest from Buckingham palace on Harry and Meghan's daring escape.
  • Sarah Ristevski: The untold story
    Sarah Ristevski: The untold storyBorce Ristevski killed his wife of 27 years, Karen, in a crime that shocked many Australians. On 60 MINUTES their only child Sarah breaks her silence.
  • Crown unmasked, The Weinstein trial
    Crown unmasked, The Weinstein trialA 60 MINUTES special investigation: Why Australia's largest casino business continues to gamble with its future?
  • The Principal’s Principle, Know My Name
    The Principal’s Principle, Know My NameThe parents who waged a vicious four-year war against the school principal, refusing to surrender, even though they've lost everything.
  • World of Pain, Dolly’s Secret, Home of Horror
    World of Pain, Dolly’s Secret, Home of HorrorLiam Bartlett investigates the world of pain caused by the coronavirus, where it started and how it might be beaten.
  • Coronavirus: World of pain (Update), What would you do?, Dirty Dealing
    Coronavirus: World of pain (Update), What would you do?, Dirty DealingHow far would you go to protect your family? Ben Batterham was charged with murder after a home invader he chased down, died.
  • Coronavirus: Brave New World
    Coronavirus: Brave New World60 MINUTES' special COVID-19 coverage continues. As the entire world confronts defining moments, what can Australians do to lessen the health and economic impacts of Coronavirus?
  • Coronavirus Crisis: Together, Apart
    Coronavirus Crisis: Together, Apart60 MINUTES’ special coverage of the Coronavirus crisis continues with a special live edition of the program.
  • Coronavirus: Global crisis
    Coronavirus: Global crisisContinuing coverage of the Coronavirus crisis in a special, live edition of 60 MINUTES. Why so many Australian passengers are dying on the ships of shame carrying COVID-19.
  • Deep impact, Man of conviction
    Deep impact, Man of convictionLiz Hayes, Tara Brown, Tom Steinfort, Liam Bartlett and Sarah Abo investigate, analyse and uncover the issues affecting all Australians.
  • Time's up, Made in China, The Vaccine wars
    Time's up, Made in China, The Vaccine warsEXCLUSIVE: Released from a Colombian jail, Cocaine Cassie tells 60 MINUTES what really happened.
  • Intensive Caring, Who’s W.H.O?, End of Trade, Child’s Play
    Intensive Caring, Who’s W.H.O?, End of Trade, Child’s PlayFor the first time, inside the most dangerous places in Australia, the COVID-19 ICUs; plus, has the World Health Organisation failed in protecting us from coronavirus.
  • Trading Blows, Sea Sick, On The Right Track, The Cost of Living, Bianca
    Trading Blows, Sea Sick, On The Right Track, The Cost of Living, BiancaTrading blows! Why China is furious with Australia; The unsung heroes whose detective work flattened the COVID-19 curve; Plus, inspiring news for Tourette's girl, Bianca.
  • The Price of Freedom, Way Out There
    The Price of Freedom, Way Out ThereLiz Hayes, Tara Brown, Tom Steinfort, Liam Bartlett and Sarah Abo investigate, analyse and uncover the issues affecting all Australians.
  • Escape from the Palace, Shot in the dark, She’ll be Wright
    Escape from the Palace, Shot in the dark, She’ll be WrightRoyal scandal: The costly and dangerous divorce that might actually be good news for three runaway princesses; Will the world ever discover a vaccine for COVID-19?
  • Shock Waves, Help
    Shock Waves, HelpThe loudest voices in the country – how breakfast radio stars Kyle and Jackie O turned 20 years of shock and awe into a $100 million business.
  • Love and other catastrophes
    Love and other catastrophesFrom love match to screaming match. On 60 MINUTES the explosive tit-for-tat allegations that doomed the footy star & lingerie model's dreams of 'happily-ever-after' lives.
  • Mad as hell, Jesse Jackson, Poisoned
    Mad as hell, Jesse Jackson, PoisonedSuspicious minds with extreme ideas. Why so many people are listening to COVID-19 conspiracy theories; Is there a peacemaker able to stop the violence in the U.S?
  • The faceless man
    The faceless manA major year-long investigation by 60 MINUTES and The Age newspaper reveals serious misconduct in high office. Nick McKenzie is the reporter.
  • King Hit, Top Secrets
    King Hit, Top SecretsExposed! Australia's most notorious conman Peter Foster, busted red-handed over his most evil act yet.
  • Foreign interference, Madeleine, Dusty's war
    Foreign interference, Madeleine, Dusty's warWhat really happened to Madeleine McCann? Liz Hayes investigates the prime suspect in the little girl's abduction & the shocking new evidence against him.
  • Right hand woman, Money for nothing
    Right hand woman, Money for nothingCaught! Rich socialite, Ghislaine Maxwell, the suspected wicked accomplice of teenage sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein arrested and now facing justice.
  • Super splurge, R.I.P Hong Kong, Wrongs and rights
    Super splurge, R.I.P Hong Kong, Wrongs and rightsThe lockdown superannuation splurge, fast money now but an enormous cost for our future; Will Beijing's interference in Hong Kong kill the great city?
  • Enemy of the state, Fire and ice
    Enemy of the state, Fire and iceEnemy of the state. Bashed and threatened, the Aussie student who has enraged Beijing. So why has he been abandoned by his own university?
  • Mary Trump, What now?, Enemy of the state: Update
    Mary Trump, What now?, Enemy of the state: UpdateThe ultimate insider: Dr Mary Trump is not only the US President's niece, she's also a clinical psychologist. She knows her Uncle Donald's secrets and wants to share them.
  • Security Breach, ’Til Depp Do Us Part, Order of the Court
    Security Breach, ’Til Depp Do Us Part, Order of the CourtFive-star stuff up. What really went on in Melbourne's quarantine hotels & how Coronavirus managed to escape back into the community.
  • The Experiment, Buyer Beware
    The Experiment, Buyer BewareIs this the cruellest experiment ever conducted? Identical twins and triplets, separated at birth so a psychiatrist could study what happened as they grew up alone.
  • The Red Zone, Confessions of a Cop
    The Red Zone, Confessions of a Cop60 MINUTES cameras are given unparalleled access inside Melbourne's Red Zone, the dangerous frontline in the ongoing battle to beat COVID-19.
  • Party Games, The Good Doctor, Despicable Him
    Party Games, The Good Doctor, Despicable HimA major investigation by Nick McKenzie will set alarm bells ringing through the corridors of power in Canberra; & Tara Brown's exclusive interview with Dr Anthony Fauci.
  • Deep blues, Living hell, Katy’s smile
    Deep blues, Living hell, Katy’s smileLiz Hayes, Tara Brown, Tom Steinfort, Liam Bartlett and Sarah Abo investigate the issues affecting Australians.
  • Innocence Ignored
    Innocence IgnoredAccused of monstrous crimes, a law-abiding family is arrested and locked up. There's only one problem – there's not a shred of credible evidence to support the police case.
  • The Greatest Loss
    The Greatest LossOn 60 MINUTES, the medical stuff-ups killing our loved ones. It's the most important, and personal story of Liz Hayes' career but one she never wanted to tell.
  • Lady and the Trumps, The Long Haul, Urban Legend
    Lady and the Trumps, The Long Haul, Urban LegendA best friend turned vocal enemy tells all about the U.S. First Lady, Melania Trump; Why surviving COVID-19 is just the beginning of the battle for sufferers.
  • The Bogeyman, Angel Babies
    The Bogeyman, Angel BabiesFor the first time, a brave woman tells of her incredible escape from the Claremont serial killer, as Liam Bartlett investigates why police couldn't catch the monster sooner.
  • No 2nd Prize, The Big Smoke
    No 2nd Prize, The Big SmokeInside the bitter U.S. Presidential race, with Donald Trump and Joe Biden battling to outdo each other with insults and scandals.
  • Anti-Social Media, Game of Thrones
    Anti-Social Media, Game of ThronesThe real reason vicious trolls are allowed to thrive on the internet – they're money-making machines for greedy tech-giants; plus, a royal scandal like no other.
  • Operation Atlantis, The Last Laugh
    Operation Atlantis, The Last LaughTax cheats beware: Investigative reporter Nick McKenzie reveals details of the worldwide hunt for millions of dollars stashed away by Australian tax evaders.
  • The White Island Disaster, The Labradorables
    The White Island Disaster, The LabradorablesAustralian survivors explain the catastrophic moment the White Island volcano erupted and question why more lives couldn't be saved; and, meet the Labradorables.
  • Biden His Time, The King and Thai, Bananarama
    Biden His Time, The King and Thai, BananaramaThe wild life of the outrageously wealthy King of Thailand. He prefers crop tops to crowns so is it any wonder his subjects are disgusted; More turmoil at the White House.
  • The Final Battle, AC/DC
    The Final Battle, AC/DC
  • Terminal Hell, A Few Bad Men, McMaster Class, Game of Thrones
    Terminal Hell, A Few Bad Men, McMaster Class, Game of ThronesAn Australian woman tells of her nightmare assault by officials at Qatar's international airport; Special Forces shame – soldiers accused of shocking war crime.
  • 20/20 Hindsight
    20/20 HindsightA special edition of 60 MINUTES recognises the sacrifices and applauds the efforts we've all made to combat the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • Law unto Themselves, Sick and Tired
    Law unto Themselves, Sick and TiredPolice shame: Cops who turn violent, attacking their families when they go home, while their colleagues look the other way; plus, hospitals without doctors – the deadly embarrassment of our ailing rural health system. Will it ever be fixed?
  • Time's up, Child's play
    Time's up, Child's playReleased from a Colombian jail, Cocaine Cassie tells 60 MINUTES what really happened; Plus, turning 'cute' into cash, meet social media's influential mini-moguls.
  • Love and other catastrophes
    Love and other catastrophesFrom love match to screaming match. On 60 MINUTES the explosive tit-for-tat allegations that doomed the footy star & lingerie model's dreams of 'happily-ever-after' lives. For the first time, both sides of this twisted tale have their say.
  • Escape from the Palace, The Last laugh
    Escape from the Palace, The Last laughRoyal scandal: The costly and dangerous divorce that might actually be good news for three runaway princesses; plus, is Basil Fawlty the greatest comedy creation ever? Or the most offensive?
  • Sarah Ristevski
    Sarah RistevskiBorce Ristevski killed his wife of 27 years, Karen, in a crime that shocked many Australians. On 60 MINUTES their only child Sarah talks about the loss of her beautiful mother and explains why she still loves her father.
  • The Experiment, She’ll be Wright, Urban legend
    The Experiment, She’ll be Wright, Urban legendCruelty beyond belief: Identical twins and triplets separated at birth so a psychiatrist could study what happened as they grew up alone; how surfer Tyler Wright survived a devastating wipeout on land; & beating lockdown with Keith Urban.
  • Innocence Ignored
    Innocence IgnoredAccused of monstrous crimes, a law-abiding family is arrested and locked up. There's only one problem – there's not a shred of credible evidence to support the police case. Tara Brown investigates an extraordinary miscarriage of justice.
  • What Would You Do? The Big Smoke, Dolly’s Secret
    What Would You Do? The Big Smoke, Dolly’s SecretHow far would you go to protect your family? Ben Batterham was charged with murder after a home invader he chased down, died; Why the smoke from the catastrophic bushfires was worse than the flames; & the always charming Dolly Parton.



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