![Photo of William Brown](https://images.plex.tv/photo?size=large-1920&scale=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmetadata-static.plex.tv%2F2%2Fpeople%2F28edbea36fc032187804fea4dc79f6e4.jpg)
William Brown
William Brown is a biophysicist: performing research to better understand the science of complex systems, particularly the biological system. He presents lectures (Big Questions Course), talks, and Q&A forums to teach principles of a unified science. He heads the biophysics department at Torus Tech : a research and development company generating novel technologies in quantum vacuum engineering, gravity control—and among other applications—biotechnologies. William also performs research with the Resonance Science Foundation including unified physics, biophysics, molecular biology, genetics, and is a faculty member at the Resonance Academy where he teaches principles of unified science (the synthesis of knowledge across scientific disciplines into an undivided singular description). William has applied discoveries from his biophysics research to technologies that can be utilized for greater health and system coherence.
Source: www.novosciences.org
Source: www.novosciences.org
2016 | Deep Space (TV Series) · as Himself |