Sophie Cook
ActorBorn January 1, 1974 (51 years)
2016 | Doctor Doctor (2016) (TV Series) · as Mrs. Malouf |
2012 | Tricky Business (TV Series) · as Janice |
2008 | Packed to the Rafters (TV Series) |
1989 | |
1989 | Prince Caspian & The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (TV Series) · as Susan Pevensie |
1988 | The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1988) (TV Series) · as Susan Pevensie |
1988 | |
1988 | Home and Away (TV Series) · as Marli Lewis |
1987 | Heart of the Country (TV Series) · as Alice Harris |
1986 | The Worst Witch · as Natalie Sinister |
1964 | Crossroads (1964) (TV Series) · as Sarah Jane Harvey (1987) |