Photo of Kyle Minshew

Kyle Minshew

Kyle Minshew was born in Rome, Ga. Although showing a particular talent for music and acting as child and teenager, Kyle never intended to become a professional actor. Choosing instead to attend The University of Georgia and study Journalism. But while in college and at the encouragement of his teachers, the acting bug finally took its hold. Choosing to move to New York directly out of college, Kyle began to amass an impressive number of credits and awards bouncing back and forth between musicals, classical theater and contemporary drama. A performer the New York Times has heralded as everything from "rapturous" to "hilarious," he has also began quickly establishing himself as an accomplished screen character actor. Ranging from psychological thriller The Murders of Cane Hill, the tense family drama Autumn Lights and the dry comedy, Tapped.

Known For

  • Go Go


Go Go (TV Series) · as Arturo
Titans: The Rise of Hollywood (TV Series) · as Jeremiah Kennedy
American Dynasty (TV Series) · as Robert Wood Johnson
Left of the Dial · as Alec
The Cathedral · as Ringle
Life Sucks (TV Series) · as Mr. Gary
Reunion 108 · as Narciss Player #1

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