Photo of Grahame Bond

Grahame Bond

Actor, Producer, Composer, Additional CreditsBorn November 21, 1943 (81 years)
Grahame Bond (born 21 November 1943) is an Australian comic actor, writer, presenter and composer, known primary for his role as Aunty Jack. He studied architecture at Sydney University and performed in university revues. He graduated in 1967 and was a commercial jingle writer before creating his memorable Goons-inspired character Aunty Jack for an ABC children's radio show. The character was aired in an episode of The Comedy Game in 1971 and the following year The Aunty Jack Show became a cult smash on the ABC. In the 1990s Bond hosted the Channel Seven game show Whose House is it Anyway, and was a presenter on the popular Seven lifestyle series Better Homes and Gardens for six years.

Movies & Shows on Plex

  • Beastmaster

Known For

  • Beastmaster
  • Homesdale
  • Running on Empty
  • The Aunty Jack Show
  • Three to Go
  • The True Story of Eskimo Nell
  • Wollongong The Brave


Beastmaster (TV Series) · as The Ancient One
Running on Empty · as Jagger
Wollongong The Brave (TV Series) · as Aunty Jack
The Aunty Jack Show (TV Series) · as Aunty Jack
Private Collection · as George Kleptoman
Homesdale · as Mr. Kevin

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