Chris Perillo

Actor, Director, Producer, WriterBorn March 16, 1984 (41 years)
Chris Perillo was born on March 16th, 1984 in Staten Island, New York. His dad's job brought Chris, his brother, and his parents to Newark, DE in 1991. He graduated from Hodgson Vocational Technical High School with a major in Carpentry. After high school, he didn't go to college or into a trade like most of his friends. Instead, Chris started working with acting coach, Gene Terinoni and looking for an agent in Philadelphia and finally landed one. Through his agent, and on his own, Chris started getting minor parts in commercials and small films. Since starting, Chris has gone back to school at Howard Community College in Howard County, MD for his degree in theater. Working primarily on stage recently, he takes on occasional film roles in between semesters. He currently lives in Ellicott City, MD with his girlfriend Becky and his dog Dewey.

Movies & Shows on Plex

  • Nothing from Something

Known For

  • Nightmare Next Door
  • Nothing from Something
  • Hell House


Hell House (TV Series) · as Ned Doheny Jr.
Veep (TV Series) · as Staffer
Nightmare Next Door (TV Series) · as Matt
Wrestling · as Catty Guy
America's Most Wanted (TV Series) · as Atv Guy

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