Carla Marins
ActorBorn June 7, 1968 (56 years)
Carla Cristina Marins is a Brazilian actress. At the age of 15, he took a theater course at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, in the Jardim Botânico neighborhood, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. His first job was an advertisement for McDonald's. He made the film for TV and the voice-over for radio. At the same time, he started attending theater schools and learned that Globo was in need of young people to participate in the soap opera Hipertensão. As she was taking the acting course with Wolf Maya, he invited her to participate in the audition and was approved to play a character in 'Hypertension' when she was 17 years old; was hired and stayed for about 20 years at TV Globo.
2021 | Genesis (TV Series) · as Adália |
2020 | East Wing (TV Series) · as Karla Munhael |
2017 | Apocalypse (TV Series) · as Tiatira Abdul (titi) |
2014 | Men are from Mars...and That's Where I'm Going (TV Series) · as Joana |
2014 | Jogo de Xadrez · as Beth |
2013 | The Business (2013) (TV Series) |
2013 | As Canalhas (TV Series) · as Tereza/irmã Angélica |
2011 | Dinosaurs & Robots (TV Series) · as Amanda Goulart |
2008 | Mãe · as Mãe |
2008 | Faça Sua História (TV Series) · as Adalgisa Dos Santos (gigi) |
2006 | Papai Noel Existe · as Patrícia, Filha Do Operário |
2006 | A Foot Inside the Jackfruit (TV Series) · as Isadora Cabedelo Haddad (dorinha) |
2005 | Bang Bang (TV Series) · as Alba |
2003 | Kubanacan (TV Series) · as Oleana |
2001 | Pirlimpimpim (2001) (TV Series) · as Berta |
2001 | Big Family (TV Series) · as Rosemary |
2001 | Porto dos Milagres (TV Series) · as Judite Dos Los Reis |
2000 | Brava Gente (TV Series) · as Estefânia |
1999 | Vila Madalena (TV Series) · as Nancy Xavier |
1998 | Mulher (TV Series) · as Fernanda |
1997 | A Indomada (TV Series) · as Dinorah |
1995 | História de Amor (TV Series) · as Joyce Soares Assunção |
1995 | The Comedy of the Private Life (TV Series) · as Laurinha |
1995 | Young Hearts (TV Series) · as Alice Miranda |
1994 | Tropicaliente (TV Series) · as Dalila |
1993 | O Mapa da Mina (TV Series) · as Elisa Souto |
1992 | Você Decide (TV Series) · as Andréa |
1992 | Pedra Sobre Pedra (TV Series) · as Eliane |
1990 | Araponga (TV Series) · as Arlete |
1990 | A, E, I, O... Urca (TV Series) · as Suzy Lee |
1989 | Delegacia de Mulheres (TV Series) · as Alice Gardenal |
1989 | O Sexo dos Anjos (TV Series) · as Gigi |
1988 | Bebê a Bordo (TV Series) · as Maria Luísa Rêgo Grande (sininho) |
1987 | Bambolê (TV Series) · as Cristina Guimarães Galhardo |
1986 | Hipertensão (TV Series) · as Carola |