Aarre Elo
Actor, Writer, Director, Additional Credits
Born September 21, 1934Died February 17, 2022 (87 years)
Aarre Elo was a prominent Finnish journalist and television producer, renowned for his significant contributions to Finnish television entertainment. He began his career at Yleisradio (Yle), Finland's national public broadcasting company, where he played a pivotal role in shaping the content of entertainment programs from the 1960s through the 1980s. Elo was instrumental in forming the VEK group alongside Jukka Virtanen and Matti Kuusla in the 1960s, which was influential in Finnish television. His work left a lasting impact on Finnish television, and he is remembered as a key figure in the development of the country's entertainment industry.
2004 | Uuno Turhapuro - this is my life · as Vanhainkodin Viihderyhmän Jäsen |
1992 | Sergeant Körmy and the South Pacific · as 3. Vakooja |
1991 | Sergeant Körmy and the Underwater Vehicles · as Vieraan Vallan Paha Poika Körmyn Unessa |
1989 | Irti maasta · as Stig |
1970 | Portraits of Women · as Jussi |
1969 | Näköradiomiehen ihmeelliset siekailut · as Viihdeosaston Toimituspäällikkö Aarre Elo |
1966 | Millipilleri · as Aivo |
1965 | The Cold Old Days · as Cast |
1963 | |
1960 | Iskelmäkaruselli pyörii · as Recorder |
1958 | Tweet, Tweet · as Miehen Ääni Kirkossa |
1952 | Salakuljettajan laulu · as Haitaristi-Klarinetisti Tanssilavalla |