Zurück Aufs Eis
Directed by Hanno OlderdissenPolice officer Maren and her daughter Amelie are a tight-knit team, not just mother and daughter, but best friends. But then Amelie begins to study and falls head over heels in love with her fellow student Erik, who one morning stands half-naked in front of Maren in the bathroom. Maren knows that Amelie loves to fall in love violently. However, it has never come to the extreme - but now Amelie wants to move to Erik in Munich. Which is completely natural, Maren says in an extremely sensible way to Bernhard, her colleague and best friend. But then she stands alone in her apartment and is miserable without her daughter. What should she do with herself now? Would an affair be an alternative? Your physiotherapist Simon is a thoroughly charming option. Or do you prefer sports? But the return to curling ends with a hard landing on the ice. Maren's search for herself unexpectedly leads her to a surprisingly obvious solution.