A story about love and hatred, about those who cheat and who are cheated, about violence and sex and surprising secrets which we learn within these strange twenty four hours.
Where to Watch Zero
Cast of Zero
Robert WięckiewiczChairman
Bogdan KocaDetective
Zbigniew KonopkaAssistant to detective
Andrzej MastalerzNewspaper seller
Cezary KosińskiEmployee of the Chairman's company
Marian DziędzielTaxidriver
Agnieszka PodsiadlikWife of the Chairman's wife lover
Maria MajDoctor
Wojciech ZielińskiAmbulance man
Roma GąsiorowskaPorno star
Przemysław BluszczPorno film producer
Sławomir RokitaBartender's Father
Michał TarkowskiPedophile
Aleksandra PopławskaThe lover of the company chairman employee
Michał ŻurawskiChairman's wife lover
Krzysztof CzeczotBoy
Kamilla BaarWife of the Employee of the Chairman's company
Joanna BogackaMother of Chairman's wife
Rafał MohrBartender
Bogusława SchubertBartender's Mother
Mariusz SłupińskiPoliceman
Magdalena PopławskaEmployee's Lover
Janusz Chabiorrecepcjonista
Olga BołądźBarmaid
Gabriela MuskałaNewspaper seller's wife
Julia KamińskaRestaurant employee
Małgorzata BuczkowskaNurse
Wiesław CichyAmbulance man
Wenanty NosulChairman's Client
Magdalena BoczarskaCashier
Jacek KwiecieńBoy in Supermarket
Magdalena LamparskaGirl in Supermarket
Sonia BohosiewiczChairman's secretary
Przemysław KaczyńskiPorno cameraman
Paweł KoślikPolicemam
Elżbieta Romanowska
Mariusz ZaniewskiColleague of the company's employee of the chairman
Aleksandra BożekAmbulance Dispatcher
Dominika KluźniakSex Shop Saleswoman
Magdalena KajrowiczGirl
Monika Fronczek
Sebastian ŁachRestaurant Worker
Mirosława OlbińskaSaleswoman
Marek WyrwiczPasserby
Ewa BregułaWoman with Glasses (uncredited)
Hanka BrulińskaGirl (uncredited)
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