Mysteries of the Starry Sky: Our Sun

Directed by Leonid Sikoruk
1985    10mShort, Family,
How to heat a bath without firewood and bake pancakes? You will see how easy it is, you just need to use the heat of the sun. Sunlight must be collected at one point with the help of a mirror that catches it and reflects it in the form of sunbeams. Substitute your palm for such a bunny, and you will feel extraordinary warmth. On the surface of the sun - almost 6000 degrees. What is this luminary, that from it there is so much heat and light?.

Where to Watch Mysteries of the Starry Sky: Our Sun

Cast of Mysteries of the Starry Sky: Our Sun

  • Valeriy KharitonovКороль
  • Andrei BoltnevКрестьянин
  • Vadim GnedkovПридворный
  • A. KarpenkoПридворный
  • Alyosha AstafyevМальчик
  • Zhenya IvanovМальчик
  • Vanya EfimovМальчик
  • Sasha AvlastsovМальчик
  • Seryozha IvanovМальчик
  • Veta DegtyaryovaДевочка



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