An ancient Indian warrior who has reached the end of his life is brought back from his 'death' to save his family from a raiding party of enemy Indians in this unique story of 'Indians without a single cowboy.'
Cast of Windwalker
Trevor HowardWindwalker
Nick RamusSmiling Wolf / Crow Brother / Narrator
James RemarWindwalker (young)
Serene HedinTashina
Dusty McCreaDancing Moon
Silvana GallardoLittle Feather
Emerson JohnSpotted Deer
Jason StevensHorse That Follows
Roberta DeherreraHappy Wind
Ivan NaranjoCrooked Leg
Chief Tug SmithTashina's father
Fredelia SmithTashina's mother
Wanni-Omni-Ska-RobideauWindwalker (age 5)
Bart the BearBear
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