Who Killed JFK: The Conspiracies

Directed by Piers Garland
2020    54mDocumentary, Crime,
John Fitzgerald Kennedy's assassination is a memory etched onto the minds of most Americans. Given time, his ideology would have dictated the course of world history. Many theories as to why the president was assassinated have permeated throughout popular culture, from the account of Lyndon B Johnson's alleged mistress to the mysterious 'Umbrella' man. On November 22nd 1963, the beacon of hope for the future was snuffed out. Over the decades, unanswered questions, tampered evidence, ulterior motives, and witness testimony surrounding the assassination has perpetuated conspiracy theories and alternative explanations that challenge the official narrative. Must of the figures involved, or knew who was involved have mostly passed away, leaving avenues of investigation dead in their tracks. Over time, efforts to determine what happened have left more questions than answers. We take a look back on the moment that changed the course of world history, questioning the official record. Was the assassination a conspiracy?

Cast of Who Killed JFK: The Conspiracies

  • Bryan J. OlsonNarrator



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