Vechnya Skazka

Directed by Stanislav Libin
The Never-ending Fairy tale is how this title translates from Russian Julia is a main character who works in the office during the day and at night she sings her songs in the night club Julia is afraid of the crowd, so she performs her songs blinded by a spotlight.. A Cinderella story set in the modern Moscow with songs and kisses.

Where to Watch Vechnya Skazka

Cast of Vechnya Skazka

  • Valeriya LanskayaЮлия Золотарева
  • Nikita ZverevАлександр
  • Ekaterina VolkovaИрина
  • Timur EfremenkovСергей
  • Vladislav VetrovЩеглов
  • Ramil Sabitovхозяин ресторана
  • Ivan ShabaltasНиколай
  • Vladislav Dunaevпродюсер



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