Vacation Days
Directed by Arthur DreifussMiss Hinklefink (Belle Mitchell) inherits a western ranch, and to spend the summer with Professor Owen Townley (Milton Kibbee), she invites students Freddie Trimball (Freddie Stewart), Dodie Rogers (June Preisser, Betty Rogers (Noel Neill), Lee Watson (Warren Mills), and Roy Donne (Frankie Darro to spend their vacation on the ranch if Townley will help chaperone the kids. Real-estate agent Tom Sneed (Hugh Prosser) tries to persuade her to send the kids home when desperadoes rob the bank. In the saloon, Sneed's henchman Charlie (Terry Frost) mistakes Freddie for a baby-faced killer who was blamed for a murder actually committed by Sneed, and ranch foreman Big Jim (John Hart), also working for Sneed, tries to kill Freddie.