Vaasthu Prakaara

Directed by Yogaraj Bhat
2015    2h 25mComedy, Drama,
Vaastu Prakaara (Kannada: ವಾಸ್ತು ಪ್ರಕಾರ) is a 2015 Indian Kannada language satirical comedy film directed by Yogaraj Bhat starring Rakshit Shetty, Jaggesh, Aishani Shetty and Parul Yadav in lead roles. The supporting cast features Anant Nag, Sudha Rani, T. N. Seetharam and Sudha Belawadi. The film deals in the belief of Indians in astrology and superstition and how it is being blindly followed and overlooked over science.

Where to Watch Vaasthu Prakaara

Cast of Vaasthu Prakaara

  • Jaggesh
  • Rakshit ShettyKubera
  • Aishani ShettyRitu
  • Parul YadavLawyer Nirmala
  • Anant NagAnantha Krishna
  • SudharaniVandana
  • Sudha Belawadi
  • Prashanth Siddi



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