
Directed by Azita Moguie
2014    1h 35mDrama
Ghasem has a plan. With a wife twenty years younger than him and two children who depend on him for financial support until they can marry, he is in dire need of money. Concocting an elaborate scheme to stage a car accident, Ghasem hopes to ensnare some unfortunate individual, from whom he can then extort blood money to pay off his debts. The trouble with elaborate plans though is that they rarely go smoothly.

Where to Watch Trazhedy

Cast of Trazhedy

  • Mehdi HashemiGhasem
  • Roya NownahaliZinat
  • Bahram RadanHabib
  • Hossein YariMousa
  • Pantea Bahramcast
  • Payam Dehkordicast
  • Siavash Derakhshicast
  • Pezhman HadaviPezhman
  • Akbar Moazezicast
  • Enayatallah Shafiicast
  • Pedram Shakouricast



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