Together: The Film
Directed by Joe RosarioTogether follows two typical New Yorkers struggling to balance business and pleasure despite having a group of very atypical friends and family whose quirks and foibles throw their lives into hilarious disarray. It's an uproarious show about modern life, family, and friends - just not the type you usually bring home to mama! Angelo and Steven are throwing a party to celebrate their one-year anniversary - and everything that can go wrong, will. If Velour sweat suits, a Joan Crawford impersonator, and two-bit strippers aren't bad enough, it's time for the world to meet Ida - the lovable but burnt-out hippie mother of Steven. By the end of this party, nothing will ever be normal again - but, as each outrageous episode reminds us, what is normal anyway?
Where to Watch Together: The Film
Cast of Together: The Film