Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle finally stood toe to toe and at Genesis 2006 we finally found out as the Dream Match of the Decade took place, plus Abyss vs. Sting and AJ Styles vs. Christian Cage from Orlando, FL.
Where to Watch TNA Wrestling: Genesis
Cast of TNA Wrestling: Genesis
Kurt AngleKurt Angle
Nuufolau Joel SeanoaSamoa Joe
Steve BordenSting
Chris ParksAbyss
Nelson Rodriguez ErazoHomicide
Shawn HernandezHernandez
James Cox"Cowboy" James Storm
Chris Harris"Wildcat" Chris Harris
Jason ResoChristian Cage
Allen JonesAJ Styles
Patrick MartinAlex Shelley
Daniel Solwold Jr.The Austin Starr
Ron KillingsRon "The Truth" Killings
Lance HoytLance Hoyt
Josh HarterChris Sabin
Daniel CovellChristopher Daniels
Retesh BhallaSonjay Dutt
Jamar ShipmanJay Lethal
Chase Stevens
Andy Douglas
Monty SoppKip James
Brian JamesBG James
Matt BentleyMaverick Matt
Frank GerdelmanKazarian
John ParsonageJohnny Devine
James MitchellFather James Mitchell (Manager)
Charles AshenoffKonnan (Ringside)
Gail KimGail Kim (Ringside)
Kevin NashKevin Nash (Ringside)
Troy MartinShane Douglas (Ringside)
Jeremy LynnJerry Lynn (Ringside)
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