William Jones, salesman, who has been traveling the same territory for twenty years or more, tries to play a joke on a new drummer, which ends by the newcomer turning the tables on him. A fictitious note is handed Jones, stating that John Redmond of Reedville, was in the market for his Fall order and to see him at once. Jones displays the note promiscuously, which makes the new salesman jealous. Jones informs Brown, the new recruit that he may call on Redmond for the order, that he is not anxious to get it. Frank Dayton, another drummer, was told the same thing. Both men have a lively time in reaching their destination. Brown wins out, however, when he rescues John Redmond's wife and daughter from a runaway horse. In gratitude Redmond gives Brown his order. What might have been a clever joke, developed into Brown earning a small sum in commission.