The Rise and Fall of John Leslie

Directed by Nick Broughall
2022    60mDocumentary
Charts the career of one Britain's most famous TV presenters, who found himself at the centre of a media storm that began with a simple slip of the tongue.
Where to Watch The Rise and Fall of John Leslie
Cast of The Rise and Fall of John Leslie
  • Ben ArogundadeSelf - Narrator
  • John LeslieSelf
  • George BambySelf - Paparazzi Photographer
  • Mark BorkowskiSelf - Publicist and Media Commentator
  • Lizzie CundySelf - TV Presenter and Radio Host
  • Nick FerrariSelf - Broadcaster
  • Tristan KirkSelf - Courts Correspondent, London Evening Standard
  • Kathryn KnightSelf - Journalist
  • Carole MaloneSelf - Columnist and TV Commentator
  • Guy MarleySelf - Sound Supervisor, The Wright Stuff
  • Kama MellySelf - Barrister
  • Dawn NeesomSelf - Former Editor, Daily Star
  • Lohani NoorSelf - Psychotherapist
  • Lowri TurnerSelf - Journalist and TV Presenter

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