Jim Dawson's wife is ill. The doctor has prescribed wholesome food, rest and a long residence in Colorado. Jim hasn't the money. He is too proud to ask his friends, and those whom he had approached with a suggestion had only offered him sympathy. For a long time, Jim thought of the money he handled for his firm. He thought of the important work he did and the little he was paid for doing it. In desperation he forges a check on the firm. In order to clear his conscience he inserts between the pages of his ledger the following note, "I have committed forgery, but not for my own sake. I shall pay back every cent, so help me God." One of the clerks in the office who had long wanted Jim's position, finds the note, and immediately informs the firm. Jim is intercepted at the bank and his plans for Colorado and the health of his wife go to smash. Jim is arrested and, in spite of his strong pleading, is sentenced by a relentless judge to a ten year term in prison. After five years in prison, in the course of which Jim's wife dies, Jim tries to escape. He almost succeeds, but he turns back to save a drowning child. A number of dramatic complications arise in which it is learned that the child Jim had saved is the son of the judge who had cruelly sentenced him; the judge had now risen in politics to the position of Governor of the State. The governor offers Jim a pardon, but he refuses to receive a favor from the man who had ruined his career. Back in his cell, Jim sinks on his cot in deep contemplation. As he does so, the door of his cell is once more swung open, and the little boy whom he saved timidly enters. He advances a few paces and stands facing him, but Jim is too occupied with his thoughts to notice the child. He comes closer and lays his hand tenderly on his shoulder. Jim starts. The child looks up to him and solemnly thanks him for saving his life. Then, after a long while, Jim shoots out his arms and draws the child close to him. The delighted child covers his face with kisses. He next clambers off his lap, retreats a pace or two, and draws the governor's pardon from his sash and delivers the document to Jim, who takes it. At this point the governor enters, and extends his hand to Jim. He grips it with strong sincerity.