The Reformation of Dad
Directed by Lem B. ParkerTom Jones is a good farmer when sober, but a noisome pest when in liquor. His son and daughter, not to remark his wife, are much distressed over his growing weakness. One day the good doctor brings him home from the town groggery and tells the family that their "awful Dad" will soon have delirium tremens if he does not reform. An itinerant show with a menagerie comes that way, and the clever son digs into his savings and hires the outfit for a day. He stocks the barnyard with the animals. When the old man comes home at nightfall, he staggers out to milk a cow, and encounters a camel instead. He rushes into the barn and collides with an elephant. Then he flees to his room and real monkeys swarm over his bed. His family finally rescues him and he takes the pledge, promising never to drink again. The reform accomplished by this drastic method sticks, so it saves a good farmer for a useful life.