The Mad Hatter
Directed by Sid MarcusIn the prologue, the audience is introduced to Maisie, a typical office girl. Her job begins at 8:30 AM, but she has set her alarm clock for 8:25 AM. So she has a hectic time of dressing up and running to her workplace. She spends her workday reading novels (all of them a variation of "Gone with the Wind") and eating sweets. After the end of her workday, she heads to a hat shop and gets to choose among various weird hats. She finds one to her liking and orders a copy for herself. Then the audience is introduced to the hat designers: mental patients in padded cells. One of them is briefly released and gets to create Maisie's hat. Maisie happily wears her weird new hat, unaware that she is scaring a cat. The film ends with a tribute to the men who sacrificed their life and their sanity for the hat industry.