The fool saves the king's life; in gratitude, the king grants him whatever he wishes. The fool is in love with the princess, so he asks that for a day he can be a man instead of a fool. The king grants his request, knights him Sir Roger Motley in jest, and gives him cloak and costume. For a day the princess and the fool stroll through an enchanted world and fall in love, though no words are said. The fool is man enough to restrain his words of love and as the day is over he slips back to his motley. But he finds that he cannot bear to play the fool before his lady although she does not glance aside at him. So he leaves his castle and her life in the guise of a monk. The next year the Black Death comes to the castle in a traveling peddler's tray, and the princess is stricken. The court leaves her, and the castle chaplain and even her own parents flee in terror. But the fool in his monk's garb hears of her illness and goes to her, unafraid. He cares for her, and finally receives his reward in her dying smile and kiss, as he draws aside his gown and shows her the fool's motley beneath.