John Harold is absorbed in scientific research. During a period of idleness he falls in love with and marries Adeline Rupert. Soon after his marriage, his health restored, Harold returns to his laboratory, becoming engrossed in his work. He does not cease to love Adeline, but simply forgets her. She, not understanding, is hurt and offended. Even the birth of his child, occurring at a time when his experiments are at a critical stage, scarcely attracts his notice. Harry Rogers, a trusted but false friend, attempts to take advantage of Harold's inattention to make advances to Adeline, which she indignantly repulses. Harold's preoccupation prevents his observing the most obvious familiarities on the part of Rogers, and Adeline attributes his non-interference to indifference. Her outraged pride can no longer brook the situation and she leaves, taking her child, and presently secures poorly paid employment. Harold is the easy victim of fraud and is soon robbed of his fortune by Rogers, a matter which does not trouble him greatly, as he is allowed to take with him his scientific apparatus and papers when turned out. In a single poor room of a tenement house, Harold contrives to live and continue his researches. His poverty becomes abject and his health is being completely sacrificed. At last his toil is rewarded; an intricate but chance combination of ingredients shows a result unmistakable in its promise. At this moment the tenement house takes fire; he frantically gathers up his books and notes and the more precious of his specimens and starts to make his escape. On the narrow stair he stumbles over a child overcome by the smoke. In Harold's heart there is a desperate struggle, the life of this child is of so little consequence to the world in comparison with the flagons and papers with which his arms are filled. But the human instinct triumphs; he drops the precious fruit of his life's toil, picks up the child, staggers to safety and sinks down as a frantic woman snatches the child from his arms. It is his own child he has saved, and it is Adeline who nurses him back to health and strength. Though hurt, pride forced her to leave him; Adeline has never ceased to love her husband. Harold realizes that the great discovery is lost to him forever, but this does not disturb him greatly; he is happy in his new-found love for wife and child. Several simple practical chemical discoveries are now recalled and serve to establish the reunited family in simple comfort.