The Girl Back East
Directed by Francis J. GrandonEd. Rand and Ed. Carroll lived in Boston, and without any knowledge of each other, met and fell in love with a fickle and calculating girl named Betty Brown, To both she gave a photograph lovingly inscribed: "From your sweetheart, faithful and true." Each, with a desire to win her, went West in search of wealth. One day Carroll, who owned a cabin in the hills, started out to work his claim. He was ill from mountain fever, but overcoming his weakness, continued on the trail. During his absence, Rand, who was out of water, stopped to ask for supply. Finding the cabin empty, he entered and discovered an exact duplicate of his photograph of Betty on Carroll's shelf. Realizing the girl's duplicity, he was about to leave when Carroll, who had become delirious from the fever, managed to drag himself from the claim to the cabin, where Rand, with the assistance of the country doctor, nursed him back to health, keeping from Carroll his knowledge of Betty's duplicity. After his recovery, Carroll by an accident learned of Rand's secret and jealousy prompted him to challenge Rand to a duel. Through the accidental finding of a news paper article showing a notice of Betty Brown's marriage to a multi-millionaire in the East, both men became reconciled.