The old elevator man had been employed in the office building for many years and was treated with much consideration. Like all of us, he had his likes and dislikes, and there were certain tenants for whom he always had a kindly word, while in the case of others he longed only to see them move away. A young stenographer and a clerk employed by one firm were the two persons of whom he was most fond, and he was pleased when they told him of their engagement. There was another clerk employed by the same firm, but the elevator man despised him. The young lovers quarreled, as young lovers will and it brought sorrow to the heart of the old elevator man. His sorrow turned to rage when the girl flirted with the clerk he despised, and he decided to take action in the matter. He knew that the clerk he did not like had a "yellow streak" and he determined to bring it out. He was able to do this by means of a little red fire and some unusual elevator running, and the young couple he liked were reunited while the old elevator man was convinced that life was worth living again.