Lolita and Beto come to America from sunny Italy. After being admitted to the new world by way of Ellis Island, they take up their quarters in that part of New York known as "Little Italy." They have a hard struggle; Beto cannot get work and Lolita becomes ill. As a last resort to secure medicine for Lolita, Beto pawns his beloved mandolin. Lolita recovers, but the struggle to get employment still goes on. An Italian fete day comes around and Lolita is downcast because she has no gift to give her husband. After he has gone out a brilliant idea comes to her. She calls in Lucia, the belle of the Italian quarter, and offers to sell her wedding dress. Lucia buys it. Lolita takes the money Lucia gave her and with it redeems the mandolin. This will be her present to Beto. That afternoon Lucia goes forth for a walk with one of her admirers, wearing her newly bought dress. As Lucia is walking along with her escort, Beto sees her, and recognizing the dress as his wife's wedding dress, thinks his Lolita is walking out with another man. Filled with rage and jealousy he follows them for a distance, but loses them in the crowd. He returns to his home and tells Lolita to put on her best dress. She does not want him to know of her sacrifice, and therefore shrinks from him. He thinks that she is afraid because she is guilty and reaches for his stiletto, Lolita faints. The loungers in the hall below hear the commotion in the room above and rush up. As they enter Beto looks up and sees the dress on Lucia, who explains how she came by it. He thinks he has killed his wife and is filled with remorse. His foot touches the mandolin as it rests against the couch. Picking it up he reads from a card attached to it that it is Lolita's gift to her husband. At this his remorse is doubled, Lolita revives and Beto, almost insane with joy, catches her to his heart, and implores her forgiveness.