The Double Shadow
Directed by Preston KendallMontague Blake was the silent partner of the firm of Blake and Rebo. Since his entrance into the firm he had filled his office admirably. No partner could possibly have been more silent. For two years he had never even set foot inside the company's offices. The entire management had fallen entirely upon Isaac Rebo. When Rebo informed Blake that things were going very badly and that the firm would be obliged to ask for an extension on the loan from the Union National Bank, Blake was mildly annoyed. But when Marie Fielding, daughter of the president of the bank, told Blake exactly what she thought about his irresponsible attitude toward his business, it was different. Blake decided that any sacrifice was preferable to lowering himself in Marie's estimation. So he went down to business for the first time in his life. The first thing that confronted the amateur businessman was a startling series of figures, the general effect of which was that the firm was insolvent to the extent of $20,000. Rebo was non-committal. He was sorry things had reached such a condition, but there was no help for it. Blake, in dismay, went to Fielding's office and asked for another loan. The president curtly refused. Marie Fielding overheard the conversation and determined to help the young man. Drawing $20,000 from her personal account, she sent it to Blake anonymously. Blake took the money down to the office just in time to stave off bankruptcy proceedings on the part of the creditors. As a matter of fact, the firm's affairs were in a prosperous state. For some time past Rebo had been stealing the firm's resources, and covering his actions by means of a false set of books. He hid his stolen funds in the cellar of the building. Ezra Plunkett, the cashier, suspecting the truth dogged Rebo's footsteps continually. Blake, also suspicious, watched both of them. Plunkett exposed his hand when Rebo was buying a steamship ticket for his projected flight. "Better make it two, Mr. Rebo," he said, and Rebo was forced to obey. Then, after the two men had formed a compact, Plunkett attempted to leave the other in the lurch by escaping with the entire booty. Unfortunately for his scheme, he was caught by Blake, and ordered by that young man to carry out his plans with Rebo to the letter. As a result, Rebo was caught red-handed and given up to justice. Blake discovered that Marie was his unknown benefactor. In view of the splendid start the young man had made, neither the girl or her father could see any reason why the match, both young people desired, should be longer deferred.