He is such a busy doctor, so successful that he has time to think of little else beside his patients. All day his office is filled with sufferers seeking the relief, which the great doctor seldom falls to afford. But in time the doctor feels the absence of something, in his big home he finds that be is lonesome. The nurse, his office assistant, one day brings her little son, Bobbie, to the office. She is a young widow. The little fellow steals into the doctor's heart. The doctor's loneliness becomes more poignant. He decides he should marry and have a little Bobbie of his own. He's had so little time to think of such things as love and marriage that he is at a loss how to begin, so he asks the nurse about it. Upon her advice he cultivates society and becomes engaged to a young woman of social standing. Preparations for the wedding go forward. Looking into the future, the doctor still has a vague feeling that his life will still lack something. That something is love, but he doesn't realize it, not for a while. His fiancée falls in love with another man and the doctor learns of the fact. He gives her her liberty and decides that love is not for him. But he had overlooked something that proves of importance. A blind man could have seen it, but the doctor didn't, so it becomes up to Bobbie. The nurse loves the doctor. One night after she has put Bobbie to bed, she falls asleep crying over a photograph of the doctor. Bobbie awakes. When he sees the photo and the tears on his mother's face he jumps at the conclusion that the doctor has been bad to his mother. He decides he will make him account for it, too. The doctor, alone in his library, answers the telephone's ring and is astonished to hear Bobbie's voice commanding him to come around to the flat right away as he (Bobbie) wants "to see you about sumpin' about my mother an' you better come right away, too." When the doctor reaches the flat Bobbie accuses him of having been "nasty" to his mamma. He knows he has, because every time she looks at the doctor's picture she cries. Bobbie threatens to shoot the doctor. The nurse awakes to find the doctor bending over her; he has seen and knows. Neither Bobbie, his mother nor the doctor will ever be lonesome.