The Cowboy Magnate
Directed by Henry MacRaeBainbridge, the agent of the S.V. Railroad, comes to the Clifford Ranch to negotiate for the right of way. Clifford agrees to go east to see the railroad officials. Arriving at the managing director's office, they meet Mr. Abraham, and although Clifford refuses the offer made, he accepts an invitation to a ball from Phyllis, Graham's niece. He becomes very much interested in the girl, and they are finally married and go to the ranch to live. Time rolls on and a little son is born. Three years pass, and that part of the country is devastated by a ruinous drought. Unaccustomed to poverty, which overtaken them. Phyllis becomes disgusted with her surroundings, and yielding to the importunities of her mother, who sends her a check, the young wife returns to the east. Clifford, however, will not let her take their three-year-old boy. Phyllis doe« not stay long at home, for the railroad agent makes advances which fill her with disgust, and she sees a vision of her baby crying for her. She breaks away and hurries home once more, this time to her western home. She makes her peace with the willing Clifford as a telegram arrives, renewing the railroad company's offer. Likewise, there is a sudden bursting of the heavens, and the drought is broken by copious and prosperity-bringing rains.