Two identical twins and their two servants (also identical twins) are separated in a ship-wreck. When, years later, they all show up in the same town, mistaken identities abound.
Where to Watch The Comedy of Errors
Cast of The Comedy of Errors
Karla BurnsDuke of Ephesus
Ethyl EichelbergerEmilia
Avner EisenbergThe Janitor
Sophie HaydenAdriana
Gina LeishmanLuciana
Derique McGeeCitizen
Wendy ParkmanCitizen
Rosalinda RojasCitizen
Alec WillowsAngelo
Timothy Daniel FurstWilliam Shakespeare
Paul David MagidAntipholus of Syracuse
Randy NelsonDromio of Ephesus
Howard Jay PattersonAntipholus of Ephesus
Samuel Ross WilliamsDromio of Syracuse
Steven BernsteinKamikaze Ground Crew
Bud ChaseKamikaze Ground Crew
Danny FrankelKamikaze Ground Crew
Douglas WieselmanKamikaze Ground Crew
Daniel MankinEgeon
RazFirst Merchant
Mark SackettBalthasar
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