The Cat's House

Directed by Leonid Amalrik
1958    30m
Animation, Short,
In "The Cat's House," a pampered feline faces the flames of misfortune, losing her lavish home. Stripped of luxury, she discovers the true value of friendship, learning that love and loyalty shine brighter than riches. A heartwarming journey unfolds!
Where to Watch The Cat's House
Cast of The Cat's House
  • Anastasiya GeorgiyevskayaGoat (voice)
  • Sergei MartinsonCock (voice)
  • Vera OrlovaPussy-Cat (voice)
  • Leonid PirogovCat Vasili (voice)
  • Elena PonsovaHen (voice)
  • Grigoriy ShpigelPig (voice)
  • Georgiy VitsinBilly-Goat (voice)
  • Valentina Ivanova
  • Ирина Потоцкая
  • Boris Tolmazov

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