The Bremen Town Musicians

Directed by Inessa Kovalevskaya
1969    20m
Animation, Drama,
In this enchanting animated tale, a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster embark on a joyful journey to Bremen, seeking fame as musicians. Along the way, they outsmart a host of villains, and Troubadour's love for a princess leads to a daring plan to win the king's approval.
Where to Watch The Bremen Town Musicians
Cast of The Bremen Town Musicians
  • Elmira ZherzdevaPrincess (voice) / принцесса
  • Anatoli GorokhovRooster / Cat / Donkey / Dog / Guardian (voice) / Петух, Кот, Осёл, Пёс, охрана
  • Oleg AnofrievTroubadour / King / Guardian / Robbers / Robbers chieftian [Atamansha] (voice) / разбойники, охрана, Трубадур, Атаманша
  • Gennadiy GladkovUndersized guard (voice) (uncredited) / Король (произносит слова «Большой секрет!» в песне охранников, в титрах не указан)

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