The Apocalypse

Directed by Morgan O'Callaghan
2019    32m
In a surreal tale of despair, Ethan (Nathan Hoad), a troubled student, finds himself ensnared by the enigmatic Señor Pablo (Jonny Brookes). Joined by faithful friend Noah, they plunge into a perilous journey to unearth the secrets of Ethan’s shattered psyche.
Where to Watch The Apocalypse
Cast of The Apocalypse
  • Jonny BrookesSeñor Carlos Pablo
  • Nathan HoadEthan
  • George Everett-ButtonNoah
  • Seán DohertyChief Inspector Jordan
  • Morgan O'CallaghanMason
  • Jack HawesDodgy Desmond
  • Sarah ButtonNoahs Mother
  • James McghieGuard

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