The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Directed by Warwick Gilbert
1986    51m
Animation, Adventure,
In the 1840s, spirited Tom Sawyer and his friend Huck Finn embark on thrilling escapades, uncovering treasure, facing dangerous foes, and courageously rescuing Becky Thatcher from a perilous cave, all while navigating friendship and the joys of youth.
Cast of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • Simon HintonTom Sawyer (voice)
  • Scott HigginsHuckleberry Finn (voice)
  • Jane HardersBecky Thatcher / Aunt Polly (voice)
  • Phillip Hinton(voice)
  • Victoria Mielewska(voice)
  • Michael PateInjun Joe (voice)
  • Alan Steele(voice)

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