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Steamboat Bill, Jr.
Directed by
Charles Reisner
Buster Keaton
Not Rated
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The effete son of a cantankerous riverboat captain comes to join his father's crew.
Cast of Steamboat Bill, Jr.
Buster Keaton
William 'Willie' Canfield Jr.
Tom McGuire
John James 'J.J.' King
Ernest Torrence
William 'Steamboat Bill' Canfield Sr.
Tom Lewis
First and Last Mate Tom Carter
Marion Byron
Kitty King
James T. Mack
Minister (uncredited)
Ford West
Barber (uncredited)
Steamboat Bill, Jr. Ratings & Reviews
Q Network Film Desk
James Kendrick
the story is just a set-up for the comedy, which Keaton executes with his trademark combination of perfectly timed derring-do and taciturn nonchalance
Gone With The Twins
Mike Massie
When not falling off of things or on top of unsuspecting individuals, Keaton is involved in some of the most outrageous yet precisely designed stunts of the silent era.
Decent Films
Steven D. Greydanus
Boasts the most astonishing and indelible images in Keaton's body of work, and some of the best moments in movie history wildly inventive, increasingly audacious stunts.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Piers Marchant
When you hear old-school film lovers speak of the "magic" of the movies, it is this sort of thing to which they're referring.
Cambridge Day
Tom Meek
The technical accomplishments of the film in scope and FX is stunning by today's standards, especially the stunts done by Keaton sans a net or stunt double.
Adam Kempenaar
...leans into a distinction between the macho father and Keaton's character - [and] in its own way becomes a critique of masculinity and societal expectations.
Robert E. Sherwood
Don't miss Steamboat Bill, Jr. It is movie humor at, or pretty darned near, its best.
Michael Barrett
All you need to know about Steamboat Bill Jr. is this is among Buster Keaton's most confident masterpieces.
Los Angeles Times
Edwin Schallert
The cyclonic finish of this film is the best part of its entertainment, but it is not a bad feature otherwise. There are many laughable moments, assured through gags that, taken by and large, are clever and different.
Detroit Free Press
Ella H. McCormick
Buster's old stage talents as an acrobat are brought into frequent use, notably in a storm of cyclonic proportions In which he is blown about from one hazardous point to another, in and out of the river, on and off of tumbling buildings and whatnot.
New York Daily News
Irene Thirer
Buster Keaton hits high with his newest comic offering, Steamboat Bill, Jr. There are at least four new gags which make for real laughs, and that's enough for any movie.
Jack Conway
The old vaudeville stunt of a falling set... is twisted into a corking screen gag through the apparent thrill of seeing a whole side of a house fall, and Keaton remain standing upright, oblivious of danger because an open window fell around him.
Chicago Tribune
Mae Tinee
Some good stunt stuff and lovely scenery grace the film... Support and photography throughout are excellent. But it seems to me the picture drags. Certainly it evokes no spontaneous bursts of laughter.
New York Times
Mordaunt Hall
Buster Keaton's latest attempt to make the millions laugh is a sorry affair. It is known as Steamboat Bill Jr., and the producer appears to rely chiefly on water and smashing scenery to create fun.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Inquirer Staff
One of the most delightful comedies of recent months... with Buster Keaton and Ernest Torrence forming an about perfect comedy team.
Chicago Reader
Dave Kehr
Buster Keaton's beautiful 1928 comedy equates parental rejection with the most violently destructive forces of nature; behind the elegant slapstick is an eloquent fable of survival.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Martin Dickstein
This is not perhaps the funniest picture which the stony-faced pantomimist has ever made(The Navigator, for example) but it will provide you with at least halt ta laughs of the, er, abdominal variety.
San Francisco Examiner
Edgar Waite
Buster, hardly more dazed during the cyclone than at any other time, walks out of buildings as they collapse, stands in others that blow away, gets his pants caught on an uprooted tree and is deposited in the river.
Harrison's Reports
P.S. Harrison
There are many situations all the way through that cause laughs, these being the result of Mr. Keaton's acting. The scenes of the cyclone are the best part of the film; they cause thrills.
The Film Daily
Film Daily Staff
Buster Keaton gets a great break with nifty story heavily gagged, and he sends it over with lots to spare. Ernest Torrence as his dad, the captain of the steamboat, is at his funniest zest. Marion Byron is charming and full of pep.
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Steamboat Bill Jr.
Steamboat Bill Jr.
Steamboat Bill Jr.: Shave
Steamboat Bill Jr.: Shave
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