Think Global, Act Rural

Directed by Coline Serreau
2010    1h 53mDocumentary
Heroic machist industrial agronomy producing heavily contaminated and modified food and arid wastelands is challenged by several world examples of sensitive organic approach to producing food.

Where to Watch Think Global, Act Rural

Cast of Think Global, Act Rural

  • Pierre RabhiPierre Rabhi
  • Claude BourguignonClaude Bourguignon
  • Lydia BourguignonLydia Bourguignon
  • Philippe DesbrossesPhilippe Desbrosses
  • Dominique GuilletDominique Guillet
  • Serge LatoucheSerge Latouche
  • Ana PrimavesiAna Primavesi
  • Devinder SharmaDevinder Sharma
  • Vandana ShivaVandana Shiva
  • Joao Pedro StedileJoao Pedro Stedile
  • Antoniets Semen SwiridonowitschAntoniets Semen Swiridonowitsch

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  • Solutions Locales Pour Un Desordre Global
    Solutions Locales Pour Un Desordre GlobalTrailer



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