Snuff: Diary of a Serial Killer

Directed by John Reign and Eric Wojtanik
2016    87mHorror
The meanest and craziest movie you may ever see. John Reign gives a stellar performance as a crazed and maniacal killer. Both obnoxious and grating on your nerves, you will ether HATE or LOVE this genuinely original performance. Ned has problems. His house may be haunted and he may just be possessed. This paranormal activity leads to a bloodbath and a trail of dead bodies. Pray for the young women because Ned is coming.
Where to Watch Snuff: Diary of a Serial Killer
Cast of Snuff: Diary of a Serial Killer
  • Zack Ermini
  • John Reign
  • Brandy Reign
  • Rowena Reign
  • Eric Wojtanik
  • Sierra Reign

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