Skola princu
Directed by Roman Vávra2010 72mFamily
In one kingdom there was a prince Peter who was too good. A boy that decent could not possibly sit on the throne, and so his father the king had a lot of trouble with him. In a completely different kingdom, at the same time, there was Princess Lenka, who did not enjoy learning. And that's what her daddy the king had trouble with for a change. No wonder, therefore, that he had the idea of starting a school that could bring princes from all over to the castle. A school for princes. Respectable princes arrived and started attending the school, but more often than not, they came to visit her. It was by chance that Princess Lenka met Prince Peter. At first the princess pretended to be the castle's royalty, but even Prince Peter did not introduce himself by his real name. When Lenka's father, the king, announced that he would give her in marriage to the best of the princes, the two decided to run away.