Short Time Heroes

Directed by Christine Wagner and Roman Gonther
2015    45m
In 2025, Captain Herc Heros and his team, led by visionary David Joshua, attempt humanity's maiden faster-than-light journey. As they stride into the unknown, they confront a surreal maelstrom of bizarre phenomena—testing their courage and sanity like never before.
Where to Watch Short Time Heroes
Cast of Short Time Heroes
  • Thomas ScharffCaptain Herc Hero
  • Stephanie KellnerDr. Nelly Slayer
  • Hans-Dieter BrücknerWill Joshua
  • Leonore CapellDenise Duffaut
  • Francesco PahlevanNick Slave
  • Jürgen HaugDavid Joshua
  • Tanja GekeHellen Jago (voice)

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