Directed by Mandar DevasthaliVihang lives a poor lifestyle, works in a private firm, and is in love with wealthy Nilambari, the only daughter of Madan Barve. He meets her parents, who approve of him, but subsequently change their minds when they find out that he has quit his job and wants to focus on singing. They refuse to permit Nilambari to meet with him, and get her married to wealthy Nikhil Adhikari. Three years later Nilambari and Vihang meet again - this time Vihang is a successful and wealthy singer, still very much in love with her, while she is still married to Nikhil. Vihang is invited to visit Nilambari on her birthday on 2nd August, and gives her a unique gift he has been saving for her, and in return, Nilambari prepares to give him a unique gift on his birthday, the very next day on the 3rd of August - a gift that may cause some rift between herself and her husband.
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