Saatanan radikaalit

Directed by Paavo Piironen, Timo Nissi, and Heikki Huopainen
1971    75mComedy
Accustomed to the heat of the sauna, four dead Finns enjoy their days in Hell so much that they are sent on a temporary leave back to Earth. Blessed with a specific ban on doing any honest work while down there, yet cursed with an inability to enjoy alcohol any longer, the quartet lands in modern-day Finland with a briefcase full of cash. Of course, in only a matter of minutes the guys misplace the briefcase, and after that they are pretty much on their own. However, you can't blame them for running out of ideas too quickly.

Where to Watch Saatanan radikaalit

Cast of Saatanan radikaalit

  • Paavo PiironenPaavo
  • Heikki NousiainenHese
  • Timo NissiTimppa
  • Heikki HuopainenViiksi
  • Yrjö JärvinenPerkele
  • Heikki SavolainenSaatana
  • Oiva TainioPoliisi
  • Matti ViholaPoliisi



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