Russian Special Forces

Directed by Stas
2003    1h 35mAction, Adventure
Russia. Year 2003. 300-years anniversary of St. Petersburg with world-wide celebrations, including visits of various countries leaders. Far in the Afgan mountains a big group of terrorists, from different parts of the world, have trained for almost a year under the command of Russian dissident - "Six-finger". Their task is - to kill delegates of the celebrations, including Russian president in a day of Fountains in Peterhof near St. Petersburg. One of the terrorist units capture a train, carrying a party of conversed nuclear bombs from Belarus to Ural, and guide it to St. Petersbug. They threaten the authorities, that they will re-assemble one of the bombs and spread Plutonium on the way. Special unit of Army Intelligence (Dinamit and Krest) re-capture the train, but one of the bombs has been stolen. At the same time another part of the terrorist group is trying to kill the Pakistan defense minister. Special FSB (former KGB) unit "Grad" is protecting the minister, fighting the terrorists in front of the Hermitage, and together with minister's guide - President's Secret Service officer Rasina - a chase ensues. After interrogation of captured terrorists, both Army Intelligence and FSB separately find out about the Afgan terrorist training camp and the fact that the terrorists have been transferred to one of the desert islands on Ladoga lake. There was and old Soviet army base left there several years ago. Both services decide to find the island and capture the base and hopefully the bomb.

Where to Watch Russian Special Forces

Cast of Russian Special Forces

  • Viktor Sukhorukovглавный террорист «Шестипалый»
  • Dmitriy Nagiev
  • Алексей Осиповкапитан Дроздов, «Дрозд», подразделение «ГРАД» ФСБ
  • Irina Saltykova
  • Nikolai Godovikov
  • Никита Лейтландрыжий мальчик
  • Алексей Федотовофицер
  • Roman Trakhtenbergпапа рыжего мальчика
  • Aleksandr RonisБазилис
  • Yuri TarasovУглов, бандит
  • Aleksandr Bashirovбандит Шкуркин
  • Aleksandr SamokhinЖуравлев, бандит
  • Tatyana Aptikeyevaмама рыжего мальчика
  • Aleksandr Zavyalov
  • Aleksey Gusev3-ий террорист
  • Svetlana Tarasovaкассирша
  • Andrey FedortsovФёдор, «Мозгоклюй», 2-ой чёрный следопыт
  • Lyudmila Ksenofontovaженщина в универсаме
  • Андрей Суберуиностранец
  • Gali Abaydulovпленный боевик
  • Evgeniy Sirotinпиротехник
  • Vladimir Litvinovполковник Силин, ФСБ
  • Vadim LobanovГенерал ФСБ
  • Igor LifanovCaptain Krestovtsev, "Krest", SWAT GRU
  • Vladimir TurchinskyMajor Ozolin, "Dynamite", GRU
  • Maxim Britvenkovphone operator
  • Stas



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