Reginald's Courtship
Directed by C.J. WilliamsReginald Everly was the star boarder at Mrs. McGinn's select lodging house for ladies and gentlemen. Mrs. McGinn herself considered him a very nice young man indeed. Occasionally he would draw a sympathetic boarder aside and confide to him in low, husky tones that he was one of the first families of Virginia, then would borrow five dollars from the sympathetic boarder. Reginald was very fond of Flossie Benson. Flossie was the daughter of Reginald's employer. Reginald decided that he could not do better than to marry Flossie. Accordingly, he spoke to Mr. Benson about it. Mr. Benson laughed heartily for several minutes, and then asked Reginald how he could possibly expect to support Flossie. "You couldn't afford to buy her a dinner, let alone marry her," he concluded. Reginald resolved to show the proud parent that he was able to buy Flossie a dinner. After a delicious dinner with Reginald, with a nonchalant assumption of indifference, kept well within the limit of his resources, the time came to pay the check, Reginald felt confidently in his pocket and discovered that he had left his money in the boarding house. Excusing himself gracefully, he rushed back to the boarding house. Servants and boarders had all gone to the beach. The house was deserted, locked and Reginald had no key. Finally, he went to the pawn shop, changed his dress clothes for the worst suit in the store, and rushed back with his money to the café. Flossie, tired of waiting, had telephoned to her father and Reginald, arriving in his odd costume, was given a peculiarly warm and unpleasant reception.