Rakuuna Kalle Kollola

Directed by Kalle Kaarna
1939    66mComedy
Cavalryman Kalle Kollola makes a fool of himself in order to get by with less service during his time in the army. Aunt Loviisa, who has come to see him, urges her witty but lazy cousin to straighten up. Aunt Loviisa also helps Miss Hilja Aro settle her differences with the horse master Kalpa.

Where to Watch Rakuuna Kalle Kollola

Cast of Rakuuna Kalle Kollola

  • Uuno LaaksoErkki Kallio
  • Matti LehteläKalle Kollola
  • Tuulikki PaananenHilja Aro
  • Kalevi MykkänenKalpa
  • Varma LahtinenMrs. Westergren
  • Nisse KarlssonVääpeli
  • Martta KarloLoviisa Mielonen
  • Kaarlo HalttunenOra
  • Osmo SaarnioRakuuna (uncredited)



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