
Directed by Himel Ashraf
2024    2h 22m
Drama, Family,
In "Rajkumar," a son, torn from his mother amidst the chaos of the 1971 war, ventures to the United States in a desperate quest for reunion. His harrowing journey reveals deep emotional scars, shaping his identity and challenging the limits of hope and perseverance.
Where to Watch Rajkumar
Cast of Rajkumar
  • Shakib KhanShamsul "Sam" Haque / Rajkumar
  • Courtney CoffeyJulie
  • Mahiya MahiMusammad Khadija Begum, Sam's mother
  • Tariq Anam KhanAbdul Goni Miah
  • Dilara ZamanMusammad Rahima Khatun, Sam's grandmother
  • Ejajul IslamSignal Bhai
  • Ahmed SharifKhabir Uddin
  • Robert John GallagherPolice Officer
  • Arosh KhanSam's Younger Brother

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